Tuesday, July 21, 2009

sand and hairy stuff

By the looks of this blog, I haven't been doing anything arty for months. Actually I have, but no-one would be the wiser (due to a regrettable lack of updates).

So here is an update. 

Below are some in-progress pics to give you an idea of some recent work. I won't be posting the finished work pics up nor explaining the title/idea until after August though. It is mixed media - I have used a lot of sand, acrylics, coconut fibre, and textured mediums, so it has been fun and sometimes messy. :)

One thing that has surprised me a little, if you use reasonable quality mediums mixed into your paint, having only student-quality paint hardly matters. The mediums add body and character that no amount of expensive artist's acrylics could achieve. So there you go, it's more about mediums than the paint (although I'm sure good paint does help...)^.^

^ My PD, the photograph on the bottom (sans me) provided inspiration for this artwork.

^ At some point in the process, I realised with horror that I was morphing into a werewolf. ;)

Coconut fibre before use (below) and after it's been twisted (above).

^ The background has a sandy texture... painted with acrylic and stained with tea.